Cost of Illegal Immigration in Colorado

We the taxpayers are not only bailing out wallstreet and automakers (along with UAW workers), but we are also footing the bill for illegal immigrants in every state.  The cost of illegal immigration has skyrocketed over the years since our government is not taking care of business (oh, what a surprise).  An illegal immigration news website named FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform) has studied and created a report on how much it costs the state of Colorado for illegal immigration.

The cost of illegal immigration for the Rocky Mountain state is $1.1 Billion dollars annually. The FAIR study observes the most obvious costs.  For an example, expenses related to medicare, incarceration and education.  There are other costs that the report doesn’t pick up since they only focused on the major expenses. 

Here is part of the report from FAIR:


Education. Based on an estimate of 35,000 school-age illegal aliens and 49,000 U.S.-born school-aged children of illegal alien parents and estimated per pupil costs of $11,000 per year for public K-12 schooling, Coloradans spend about $925 million annually on educating the children of illegal immigrants. An additional $68 million is being spent annually on programs for limited English students, most of whom are likely children of illegal aliens. Those estimates exclude federal contributions to those programs. More than one in ten (10.8%) K-12 public school students in Colorado is the child of an illegal alien, and this share has grown as the illegal resident population has grown.

Health Care. State-funded uncompensated outlays for health care provided to Colorado’s illegal alien population amount to more than an estimated $82 million a year. That is a net cost after crediting compensation from the federal government. Additionally, Coloradans who have medical insurance also pay higher medical insurance bills to help cover the costs of those without insurance.

Incarceration. The cost of incarcerating deportable aliens in Colorado’s state and local prisons amounts to more than $38 million a year. This estimate also is a net amount after deducting compensation received from the federal government. It does not include short-term detention costs, related law enforcement and judicial expenditures, or the monetary impact of the crimes that result in incarceration.

So there is your tax dollars at work, at least if you live in Colorado.  For the ones that live outside the state, don’t worry, you’re footing some of the bill as well since the federal government supplements a lot of these programs.  So where is the Colorado State politicians concerning these problems with illegal immigration?  How about on the federal level – George Bush?  Nance Pelosi?  Harry Reid?  How about Barak Obama?  I’m not going to hold my breath.

Mark Shrigley

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14 Responses to “Cost of Illegal Immigration in Colorado”

  1. I'm gonna start another riot Says:

    What do U think of this latest study Illegal Immigration Costs Colorado Nearly $1.1 Billion Annually ?
    WASHINGTON, Dec. 11 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — A report prepared by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) finds that illegal immigration costs Colorado about $1.1 billion a year, or about $612 for every native-born household in the state. The report, The Costs of Illegal Immigration to Coloradans, looks at just three essential state provided services and programs: K-12 education, public health care, and incarceration from criminal illegal aliens.

    According the report, illegal aliens in Colorado pay about $160 million in taxes, reducing the net costs to the state to $912 million annually. However, since most of the jobs currently held by illegal aliens would likely be filled by legal workers, at higher wages, the taxes paid by illegal aliens would have been collected anyway.

    The release of The Costs of Illegal Immigration to Coloradans coincides with worsening fiscal news for the state. While the state spends more than $1 billion on services for illegal aliens, Colorado is faced with a $101 million budget shortfall for the current fiscal year.

    — Education. K-12 education for the estimated 84,000 children of
    illegal aliens attending Colorado public schools costs
    taxpayers $925 million. It costs the state an additional $68
    million a year to provide for the special educational needs of
    nonEnglish-speaking kids.
    — Health care. Uncompensated health care for illegal aliens costs
    Colorado $78 million a year.
    — Incarceration. In addition to the human and economic costs of
    crimes committed by criminal illegal aliens, incarcerating the
    perpetrators carries a $38 million annual price tag.

    "Even in the best of economic times, $1.1 billion would be an unnecessary and unjustifiable burden on Colorado taxpayers," said Dan Stein, president of FAIR. "With Colorado, like nearly every other state, forced to cut vital programs and services these costs are simply untenable."

    In recent years, Colorado has taken limited steps to enforce laws against illegal immigration, including having two police units trained to identify and detain suspected illegal aliens. Gov. Bill Ritter has also appointed a special panel to examine other options for local immigration enforcement. "The costs of illegal immigration in Colorado are ten times greater than the current fiscal shortfall," noted Stein. "Given the stark realities faced by the state, it is critical that Colorado take the necessary steps to reduce the $1.1 billion burden associated with illegal immigration."

  2. there’s a good reason the government has been turning a blind eye to illegal immigration for the last 100 years – it makes some ‘legal’ USA citizens very rich. Wealth in this country is built on underpaid workers.
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  3. Extrapolate those numbers out to include the entire lower 48 and the numbers will really shock you.
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  4. It has been a well documented fact that illegals cost us taxpayers a lot of money per year. I think this site just "skims" what the actual cost is.
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  5. I don’t see if they checked employers who are hiring the people. Arizona cracked down on this, and were successful. However, more "illegals" left the state as a result and the economy suffered. This "analysis" from a biased source does not take the economic impact of the spending power of the illegals living there, which are likely to be substantial. BTW, not many people want to do the work that illegals are willing to do, so employers make more profit by hiring them and not paying for UI, WC and other workplace fees.
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  6. King Of Perk Says:

    So the War on Iraq costs Colorado 1.7 Billion a year and atleast an illegal immigrant will cut your lawn for the cheap. Also that 1.1 billion can be offset by the economic benefit of having illegal immigrants hence they pay sales tax, contribute to social security with no benefits, and provide cheap labor. so your 1.1 billion is probably a lot higher than you think!
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  7. This is just one small state, using just 3 factors. When you add it all up it amounts to almost 400 billion per year and that does not take into account everything that the illegals are taking from our Country.

    It also does not take into account the over 60,000 dead American Citizens killed by illegal aliens over the last 7 years. and it surely does not take into account the millions upon millions of lives harmed either physically or monetarily or both each and every year!!!

    We have paid far to high a price at the hands of this issue and it needs to stop soon!!!
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  8. We always need to remember that there are a huge number of illegal aliens out there that are in country, under the table, and without children. They do not show up on the scope at all.

    A good story.. we could all bet it is low and be right.
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  9. American Man Says:

    I think many other states will soon follow suit. Something has to be done. If cuts are to be done, its only logical to cut out the illegal and send them packing to their homeland! Lets see… if they cut out illegals and funds supporting them, that means they will reduce the "estimated" cost of supporting them by approx. $900 million and their state shortfall is approx. $100 million. I’m no math major, but it makes perfect sense to me and adds further proof to what we have been saying all along…. deport them, remove them, end this outrageous invasion!
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  10. Dirty Martini Says:

    I think its pretty disgusting.

    Even worse: Nationally they cost us $70 billion annually.

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  11. I think it’s time to ship em out.
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  12. Wicked_Young_Man Says:

    is a fact tat the illegal aliens suck out a lot of money from the citizens, but some politicians just don’t care
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  13. Oh it’s not that they don’t care, they are being funded by well sourced companies that hire immigrants. If the citizen of the country riled up as a huge group and protested infront of the gates of whitehouse, telling ya man, then you will see some noticeable changes.

    The problem I see everyone is way to compliant and expect crap to be fixed by someone else. So why don’t you rise up and do something about it people? People always protest about the war and civil rights, so it’s in your right to protest in the extravagant of waste of tax payer dollars being funded to "help" illegals.
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  14. This is a kind of repeat answer to your other question.
    Greasy tony and gang claim illegals put over $400 billion a year into our economy. Lets hope so, then they can start paying their own costs here instead of wiring money into MX.
    Lets start emailing our reps about this. They can spend over $400 billion here and wire an additional $40 billion to MX they don’t our gov services. They can pay instead of us. No more free Emergency Room care. No more free labor/delivery. They make enough money to pay for their own services.
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